Tuesday 4 March 2014

Why are there so many Sudanese people in Australia? Personal comments and criticisms

Yesterday I posted my two part article that I had been working on. This is the first article that I have created for the portfolio, and on the whole I am very pleased with the result. I'm happy with the standard of writing style and I believe that the article achieves the goals that I intended it to. It is well researched, contains very little of my personal opinion and there is very scarce amounts of needless content.

Although I think that my two part article is effective in educating readers about Sudan and the Sudanese community, there are some things that I would like to change.

Firstly, The format of the article is a Journal Article, rather than a news article. For this reason it is lengthy, has more content, and is more academically toned. When I first set out to create the article, I was interested in making a piece that took the form of an editorial that may be posted on a news website. However, the article organically took the shape of an Academic essay form, of which I am now accustomed to after years of university study. For this reason, I am going to conclude my work on this topic by rewriting a new article which will be an attempt at news form. I will need to change my style and learn how to properly structure my unique content (the subject matter of the interviews) within the context of Sudan.

Secondly, I learned a lot about how much work needs to go into the creation of an article such as this. Initially I wanted to get it onto my blog within a few weeks of the interviews, but instead it took 2 months. This is in part because of how busy my working and social life has been, but also because I made no attempt at a deadline. Again, this is different to what I am accustomed to from university, and I will probably seek to have some form of personal deadline in future.

These are the two major criticisms I have about the article that I have done, apart from some minor criticisms such as structure and language that could potentially be improved.

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